1. To order, find the items you wish to order and add them to your shopping cart. You can view the items in your shopping cart by clicking on the cart icon on the top of the web page or by clicking the “View cart” button on the green field at the top of the page. If you want to delete the item from your cart, click on the cross placed on the same line with the item, after the price. By clicking the “View Cart” button you can change the quantity of items in your shopping cart by writing the desired quantity in the appropriate field.
  1. To proceed with your order, please click on “Proceed to checkout“. If you are a registered user of sh-leather.com’s online store, proceed to log in to your account. If you are making your first order, please fill in your contact details in the required fields of “Billing Details“.
  2. If you have a discount coupon, you can apply it by clicking on the button “Click here to enter you code”.
  3. Please choose a preferred delivery method and payment method. To confirm your order, click on “Place order“. Next you can proceed immediately with a payment using your credit card, PayPal or by bank transfer.
  1. An order confirmation and a copy of your invoice will be sent to your email address. Your order will be shipped after the payment.
  2. You can view your orders history in the section “My account”.